Looking for a Few Good Dads!


Wheels From the Heart continues nonprofit mission to support ‘road’ to financial independence, self – sufficiency – and honor family values – with 112th car giveaway to another special single Mom and … it’s just in time for Father’s Day!

We’re looking for a few ‘good’ Dads … Are you a Dad who honors single Moms? We need you! Join Wheels From the Heart by supporting its 112th car giveaway to another single Mom family in need – just in time for “Father’s Day!”

On June 24th with Mom confidently at the wheel in a refurbished, polished up Buick Century and the kids buckled up for safety, a family will be back on track – and ‘on the road’ to renewed independence, self-esteem, and inclusiveness.

Dads! your donation of dollars, gift cards, in-kind services, and time help Wheels From the Heart continue its supportive mission to provide single Moms a helping hand-up.

Donations directly support costs associated with refurbishing gently-used cars, and added ‘gifts’ like meals, school supplies, clothing, household items, and more! Email [email protected] to get involved

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A significant challenge faced by single-mothers-in-need and their children is transportation. Wheels From The Heart addresses this by finding reliable vehicles for hard working single moms and helping them drive to a better life.

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